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The importance of repetition in advertising

You’re about to leave for work. Your spouse asks you to bring home a gallon of milk this evening. How likely are you to remember? Suppose they call you around noon and remind you. You’re even less likely to forget, right? Finally, they call to remind you again just before you leave work. Now there’s no way you’re coming home without that milk because your spouse has acheived a frequency of 3.

A “3” frequency basically means that you are exposed to a message a minimum of 3 times within a given time period. Frequency is a must in order to combat the effects of advertising’s worst enemy…sleep. When we sleep, the short-term memory banks in our minds are purged of the day’s “noise.” Much of this noise includes the nearly 2,000 advertising impressions foisted upon the average American each day.

Think about your favorite song. You can easily recite the chorus, right? The chorus stands out to you so much simply because of frequency. In most hit songs, the chorus (or “hook”) is repeated more often than the rest of the lyrics. No wonder we sometimes forget the words!

To increase the effectiveness of your ads, remember to schedule them so that you achieve a high frequency. This applies to any radio or TV advertising you do.

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