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How to focus your advertising budget

It’s only natural to want to reach as many people as possible with your advertising. So you put your money into several different things: a little TV here, some newspaper over there, a few billboards here. If you have the ad budget to buy many different media and use each one effectively, great! But too many small businesses try to advertise like McDonald’s or Budweiser, who have multi-billion dollar ad budgets at their disposal.

You’re saying to yourself, “Sure, they have multi-billion dollar ad budgets, but they advertise nationwide.” Still, if you figured the amount of media these big companies buy just in your market alone, it’s an enormous number compared to what most small businesses can afford to invest.

Here’s the point. Rather than try to reach everybody by buying lots of different media, try reaching fewer people more often with less media. You’ll be amazed at what happens after a while. Think about it. Would you rather reach 100% of the population and convince them 10% of the way, or reach 10% of the population and convince them 100% of the way. Guess what? You’ll spend about the same in either case!

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