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Are you making lofty claims in your advertising?

Ever notice how many advertisers claim to be the oldest or have the best, biggest, largest, most selection, friendliest, most knowledgeable staff, lowest prices, most tradition, largest inventory, blah, blah, blah? Is it any wonder the American public despises advertising? This kind of drivel goes in one ear and out the other.

If you’re going to make a claim in your advertising, back it up. Use specifics that will add credibility. For instance, instead of just saying you have the largest selection of widgets in town, support your claim by mentioning the actual number of widgets you carry. Specifics are much more convincing than generalities, so consumers will be much more responsive to your message.

If you offer a guarantee be sure to explain what the guarantee actually is instead of just saying “satisfaction guaranteed.” If you’ve won an award always mention the organization from which it was recieved. Anyone can make empty claims like having the best or the most of something. If you’re making a similar claim, always prove it!

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